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Course Timeline and Syllabus

Introduction to IoT

Registration & Payment

Start Date: May 25th, 2023
End Date: June 25th, 2023

Kit / Shield Dispatch

Dispatch Date: June 30th, 2023

Module 1: Introduction to IoT

  1. Fundamental concepts of IoT
  2. Basic architecture and protocol stack of IoT systems
  3. Cloud services in enabling IoT applications

July 1st - July 10th, 2023

Module 2: Fundamentals of HTTP

  1. Basics of HTTP: Requests & Responses
  2. Different HTTP methods
  3. Implement HTTP in your IoT application

July 11th - 20th, 2023

Module 3: Introduction to MQTT

  1. MQTT architecture: Publish-Subscribe model
  2. Implement the MQTT protocol in your IoT application

July 21st - 30th, 2023

Module 4: Case Study Discussion & Capstone Project

July 31st - August 10th, 2023

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